Click here to add a quote to the database.

To put a quote on your page, all you need to do is this:

Use an image tag with "" as the image location.

This has a few features:
Specify Background
You will need to specify the red, green, and blue attributes of the color. This is done by using the variables
of 'br', 'bg', and 'bb' ( red, green, blue respectively ).

By default, these are set to 000.

Blue -
Red -
Green -
Maroon -

Specify Font Color
Like the background, you will have to specify the red, green, and blue attributes. This is done by using the variables
of 'fcr', 'fcg', and 'fcb'.

By default, these are set to 255.

You can mix and match these features by including all the variables, such as this.

This is what the code should look like:

For examples of color combinations, go here.

Like a certain quote? Use the variable quotenum and the number of the quote in the database from here.

Or maybe just set this as your homepage.

Webmaster: HalonX